It depends. If singing were an issue of training, technique, vocal range, comfort, or preference, most of us would be wise to keep our mouths shut. The world would be a more pleasant and happier place. Why sing when so many are more gifted and seem to enjoy it more than we do?
Here’s why. Your voice, along with all the other voices in your church, has been redeemed by the Savior. As we sing, he presents our song to the Father for his glory and our joy. “The human voice, given over to Jesus, and found in company with other voices given over similarly, produces a dignified and worthy song from storefront church to cathedral,” says Harold Best. “Singing is not an option for the Christian; no one is excused. Vocal skill is not a criterion.”
No one is excused. Not even those with zero musical ability. The critical question is not Do I have a voice? but Do I have a song? And if you’re a true worshiper, forgiven and reconciled to God through the atoning work of Christ, the answer is a a resounding yes. It’s not a song we originated or created. We can’t add to it, change it, or improve upon it. It’s the song of the redeemed for their great Redeemer.
It’s a song we were never meant to sing alone. And it’s a song God’s people have been singing together for thousands of years. —— Bob Kauflin, author of True Worshipers