This disturbing reality prompted them to contact a certified acoustical expert, also in Texas -- a professional specialist who deals regularly with many different denominations and settings. When describing their a cappella singing to him, the acoustician responded, “Normally we deal with churches where the music comes from the stage and goes out to the people. But you are from one of those churches where THE MUSIC IS COMING FROM THE PEOPLE!” (emphasis mine.)
I absolutely love this quote because it sums up our entire Praise And Harmony Ministry, which emphasizes:
- Everyone’s voice is important.
- We should make the entire church the choir.
- Singing is not for singers; singing is for believers!
Yesterday, I was privileged to lead singing for my home congregation with 200 people wearing masks. In spite of the masks, the singing was vibrantly fantastic! Of course, the worshippers’ hearts and attitude are paramount, but I’m thankful for the foresight of church leaders who invested in acoustics that encourage rather than impede congregational singing. What an honor to be part of a church where, “The music is coming from the people!”